Monday, September 10, 2007

Gimme More? Ick Boo and Yuck!

I'm not a celeblogger but honestly I couldn't let this go.

Britney blew hard at the VMAs last night.

Check it out for yourself. She's a little chub, not lipsynching, hardly dancing and smiling when she remembers. Yes, I'm not on stage waiting for my come back in front of people waiting for me to fail and I don't have 2 kids and I'm not world famous, but honestly, get it together! If it's your JOB to look good and entertain people then do it well or don't bother. I like the song, but I'd rather listen to it without the "performance."

UPDATE: apparently you can only view the video on even though they give a link to use it. Go to and it's easy to find....if you dare...

Wait try this:

Just a little reminder of how great things used to be...there's this:

and this:

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