Wednesday, October 3, 2007

LOVE Martha Stewart! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

I know my generation was taught we can be anything we long as it's educated and that we have the option to work for as long as we'd like to.

I got the education part (I'm an attorney, in case anyone I don't know is reading this..doubtful...and lawyers can still say gonna and whatevs, smart people can say and do whatever we want...which is another part of the lesson that doesn't really belong in these parenthesises), and I love my job (really, ask anyone who knows me, which we already established is YOU) so I've been pretty lucky.

However, I LOVE Martha Stewart and if I had room I would make a room for scrapbooking and I would wrap gifts like Kate's fact I'd even work there. I have in my office right now, construction paper, a glue stick and a paper cutter. After work I need to do some crafts that are none of anyone's business (soon-to-be Mrs. Friedmann). Note to work people: I am using my own imported glue stick, I purchased the construction paper at Staples across the street (could they be any stupider in there?), the paper cutter is SLS's, but I'll put it back in the coat closet for your own crafting needs. I also live for the Container Store and apparently have always loved little things, little books, little pads of paper, etc...LOVE IT!

OHMIGOD, I actually had to check my links to see what the F I wanted to talk it is:
100 Reasons to Learn Something.

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