Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day is done, doo doo wop doo doo wop...

Gone the sun, doo doo wop doo doo wop
Gone the girls, Gone the boys, Gone the fun, doo doo wop doo doo wop
Blah blah blahhhhh, Blah blah blahhhhh, Blah blah blahhhhhh

Anyone else know that song? It's the taking the flag down at camp song. This was meant to be an inspirational longest-day-at-work-ever-is-done song, but I know it only came to mind because I just recently heard that my camp was sold! Anyone that has been to sleep-away camp knows this is traumatic. I never realized just how though. I'm still in touch with one friend from camp. My parents (who read this) thought he was a stalker, but he has remembered my BDAY every single year and it's been over 10 years...way over. I TOLD you guys he wasn't a scary-Australian-stalker-too-old-to-be-interested-in-a-then-10-year-old-girl but honestly I've known him longer than all but one of my current friends....almost longer than my brother!

So anyways, Pocono Highland Camps or Pocono Highlands or PHC was sold. It was apparently at least 1 year ago and I'm a bit late. All the kids with memory pages on Facebook weren't born when I went there (kill me), except there's one little girl who was a friend's BABY sister.

I'd scan in all my pix and post them on the site but then I'd have to kill my friends and family for allowing me to look such a mess. Honestly, weren't you embarrassed?

I'll live through this, but I always thought I'd go back and show my kids and tell them what a wonderful time I had there. Alas, another dream not to be.

I'll just have to live vicariously through my kids on visiting day I guess.

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