Monday, December 3, 2007

Feeling left out this Hannukah season?

UPDATE: At my friend A.(K).S and her husband R.S. and another friend I.(I.)?.'s joint 29/30th BDAY Parties in NYC I actually met the owner of the site that sells the item below. The small world connections got smaller and smaller tonight. Her husband used to work in the same building where my 1st job out-of-law school was and both she and my husband grew up in Bklyn. Also, found out a law-school BFF's soon to be sister-in-law (the taller one) was a "little sister" of an old friend who also went to law school(for one year anyway) w/all of us. There's an application on Facebook that allows you to link all of your friends in a way that enables you to see the networks, but if not everyone you know is on Facebook, then...I've often said I wanted to draw out the map of relations.

Want to decorate your house with so many lights you can't sleep?

Wish you had a garden gnome?

Try this:

Click the photo for a link to the site:

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