Friday, November 2, 2007

I heart Hannukah!

Like some people LOVE Christmas, I LOVE Hanukkah (we've already discussed I don't go too theme-y). I think anyone that doesn't go with the 8 gift rule isn't really "getting" the holiday.

You get a fun surprise EVERY DAY for EIGHT DAYS! It's freaking brilliant! Love the Maccabees and olive oil (it was the Mediterranean so I'm just guessing it was olive..i might be wrong), and latkes (at Katz's last weekend someone ordered sweet potato latkes....DEF worth a trip back!) (ps. I'm anti carrots in latkes, they're potato, not healthy) (also while we're on raisins in noodle kugel (pudding for those of you who don't know)...i just don't like cooked raisins..they're uky, I get that they make it sweet, but I just can't get on board).'s abt 10 to 12noon so I'm obviously hungry....

So, I feel like a traditionalist (even as a Jewish kid growing up in America, land of Christmas) but I just don't think a Hannukah bush is right. Have a tree if you want one, decorate it with blue silver and white, but don't pretend it's something it's not. However, since this little thingy has to do with gifts and I always wanted one of those countdown calendars this is perfect! I know, I know, I might as well have a tree and fruit cake. Fine, another self-imposed rule thrashed. Whatever, I also love stocking stuffers, but that's just 'cause they're fun little things that don't count as the magical 8 gifts, they're add ons!

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