Thursday, November 29, 2007

Miracle On Madison THIS SUNDAY!

There's been some confusion lately over this Sunday v. next Sunday. THIS Sunday is the 2nd of Dec. NEXT Sunday is the 9th of Dec.

THIS Sunday is the Miracle on Madison (so if you've been a dedicated reader you would already have Meatpacking in your palm/date book for Saturday and now you have Sunday plans as well....NO excuses for not finishing your wishlists and giftlists by the end of this weekend! Right in time for Hannukah and early for're welcome).

Here's the intro info from the site linked to above (as usual w/the important parts hilighted in bold):
On Sunday, December 2nd you can enjoy holiday shopping and help children in need! Shop at any of the Miracle on Madison Avenue participating retailers and 20% of every purchase you make will benefit children in need. Click here to view participant list. [the list is LONG]
Show your Miracle Shoppers’ Card at participating stores and your purchase will support the health services of The Children’s Aid Society. Click here to download the shoppers' card Meet Andy Phillips of the New York Yankees, Tamara Tunie of Law and Order SVU and other special guests at the Miracle Opening Ceremony at noon. From shopping to spa treatments, from gourmet tastings to kids’ entertainment, live music and a luxury raffle, there is truly something for everyone!

I love my 'hood: Attend the Miracle Ribbon Cutting at the Opening Ceremony Noon on Madison Avenue and 69th Street!

OHMIGOD, I just read more closely...There's going to be a REAL SIMPLE GIFT WRAPPING TENT! I may go just to see it. Here's that info: 70-71st: Real Simple Gift Wrap Tent Let the experts wrap your holiday gifts

I may just stop by....of course I'll be on Madison for hot choc on Saturday....nothing like two days in a row (three really but that's just because I was networking at a private event at Saks this morning! It was outofcontrol cool! I was one of THREE people on the entire NEW SHOE FLOOR! and everything was 15% off. Literally like a kid in a candy store....In fact I wanted to BE a candy store when I was little so it was the perfect morning...except 8-10am wasn't enough time w/the mobs who descended.) Sorry, I lost my train of thought. I got the COOLEST new fold-over large clutch w/shoulder strap for Hannukah (thanks mystery elf!) ..anyways, go to Madison Ave on Sunday and look for me stalking the gift wrapping table. I'm actually going to be at Borders in Time Warner wrapping gifts in a few weekends for Haddasah..I'm an expert Jewish gift wrapper, having taken a class at the 92nd St Y. I think I could wrap an ornament or tinsel though too. I'm an equal opportunity wrapper! PS. In Japan they make folds on their gifts for good odd numbers. Just a little FYI Trivia for you on a Friday evening. Toss it around at your dinner parties tonight.

I can't resist: here's my new bag but I got it on sale and + 15% off! OY! have to write a TY to my work friend who got sick and couldn't' go so I took her place. Hmm, should I have bought her something? Too late...sorry J.L.P.

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