Friday, March 14, 2008


I don't recall looking forward to a Friday so much EVER BEFORE! Really. This has been the longest week EVER!

If only I cld go celebrate with a drink! I'll be just as happy to go home, wait for Freshdirect, have my 3rd string-cheese of the day, plop on the couch and watch Sliding Doors that I DVRd. A's going out w/a friend who was a casualty of all the recent layoffs. It's a scary scary place in NYC. Everywhere really but since I'm here that's all I can speak to.

A's safe (for now) but if he ends up at Sbucks maybe he can bring back the breakfast sandwiches! I'm pulling for you Cutes!!!

Tomorrow is an errand filled day, which means crossing things off my list, which means bliss for me! Really mostly returns but Old Navy is near City Bakery and I really cld use a marshmallow. Then A and I have date night. I tried to tell him we need to go to the movies A LOT now since we won't be able to for a while and then when we can it'll have to be horrific cartoons and sing along- torture flicks. So he said, what do you want to see, and without thinking, I said, Horton Hears a Who looks cute....SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!
And so it begins....

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