Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's been TWO MONTHS!!!

Yes, my entire life has changed, but it's also still kinda the same (minus the stupid economy...damn you economy!). Resort collections are coming out, things are on sale, I'm buying and returning, I'm stuck wearing the same few outfits over and over (don't call it a rut), and I'm dreading packing.

All of those things are the same, I'm looking at baby juicy resort (I'm not kidding, a friend got a perfectly adorable 3-6 bathingsuit for her little girl at bloomies, after a delish lunch at 40 Carrots where we both ran into people we knew...), I'm buying baby clothes on sale, I bought and returned two gorgeous DVF tops bc who needs to spend the $$$, esp since my boobs are still bigger than "normal" and the outfits I'm re-wearing until they turn to shreds (or get spit-up on, or coffee spilled on them) are maternity pants. Bad news: still wearing maternity pants. Good news: they're too big and only bc all my "normal" pants are in storage in MD. And we've come full circle to packing. MUST pack today for (yeah, typing this is procrastinating) JHS's naming in MD this weekend. Her clothes are all very little so it's not a big deal but she needs double everything because although she's a lady she sometimes makes a MESS of herself.

I would rather do laundry everyday and have my nails never done and my fingers be raisins from washing bottles and have to change the changing-pad-cover 3 times in one day than go back to what I thought was "normal."

Jordanna is currently talking to herself in her rainforest swing. Wonder if she thinks she's on some eco-vacation...she's SO green!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once the baby shopping bug has bitten its effects last a long long time.

Daily Candy - YUMMY!!