Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So I made a list...

I know, me? I made a list? Believe it people. Alas, I was WAY too ahead of myself and I've failed you. The Starbucks event already happened (don't worry, I missed it too), but the other things on the list are still open and available. Hmm, where could I have been that I cldn't manage to even post these....anyways, here they are...still in list form. ENJOY, JES

  1. I have to have this: Paul and Joe brush holder...perfect on any vanity
  2. Don't worry, you can visit me at work, we have the Treats Truck. Everything is close when you work in the center of the universe. Yeah, everyone thinks it's Times Square but you can't get more central than 5th ave and 42nd street. Perfection. Near all the transportation, near a brand new (better open soon) H&M [ALERT - OPENING TOMORROW AT NOON. ALERT ALERT ALERT], near a Beard Papa in a seemingly random 2-3 bock Japanese neighborhood. But, not to worry East and West Villagers....just come meet me at work until your Bear Papas opens and your cravings will be satiated.
  3. Obviously someone IMPORTANT read this post on EventsbyJES because low and behold (anyone know the linguistic history of that saying? please let me know....) in Rockefeller Center the Starbucks Coffee event will be taking place on Sept 20th from 4-8pm!!! [IT's OVER, ALAS] PERFECT for that after lunch, early afternoon, ohmigod-it's-only-4pm-? work-day slump. [If the link doesn't bring you directly to the NY part, just, ummm, click on "NY" or whatever they have there that indicates the location closest to me]
  4. Spa Week in NYC is October 15-21. Great deals at spas all over town!!! Perfect early-fall time to slough off your remaining tan and get ready for some new winter make-up. I'm skipping the red lips (again) but I would never miss a spa week....for ANY reason!
  5. Back to School, 1, 2, 3 and A, B, C. Here is your first lesson: A is no longer for Apple, or Aardvark, or Airplane. That's SO over. A is for Ankle Boots (which I've been trying to tell you since my first posts! Listen people, listen!) Here's the rest of your lesson. Learn it well or all the cool kids might not play four-square with you at recess.

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