Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm Sorry, truly sorry, but I have SUCH a great excuse..

Yeah, excuses excuses, but really this one's great.

I've been wanting to write for so long, but I'm a terrible secret keeper...of my own secrets only, altho I must say I did very well with this one and I need to get used to being right all the least for what? 10 years? 7? 18?

I wanted to write about Lipstick Jungle and all the STUPID MORONIC ANNOYING commercials in the taxis in NYC, but I've been too busy and I wanted to...WAIT: I can't let this one go. I HATE Chuck Hesakiah or however his name is spelled. If I hear "pump on a great mascara" one more time I'll freaking lose it! I HATE him. "Now you can have it all, just like Wendy" SHUT UP CHUCK! Just let us watch the horribly acted yet addicting show and stop bothering us. OK, been keeping that in since the 1st episode.

I've been drafting posts in my head...bc that's what I the imaginary phone calls that never happened with people I pretend not to think about any more or like the hate letter I want to send to maybelline for hiring chuck. Alas, I've been avoid you. Or since it's my blog, have I been avoiding me?

Well I can't avoid me much longer. All I can say is THANK GOD FOR THE SECRET FIT BELLY. It really is revolutionary. My mom pointed out that I'm actually very fashionable...since highwaisted pants are kinda now. Since these go up to my underwires I'm thinking they qualify!

Wait, what am I talking about? Why do I need elastic pants? Well, since I stopped dieting in September (I was planning to hibernate, alas, they're redoing the hallways in our building so I'll have to wait until next year) I've put on a few lbs. Luckily all my Editor pants had some %age lycra or whatever spandex so I could make it a bit longer. Then I went to VT skiing with friends and worked off a few lbs, minus (or is it plus) a few waffles at the wafflehaus, then was NYE, then was Jan 4 when I was home alone (A had left for work already) and what do you know? THE TEST WORKED! It hadn't ever worked before! So, there I was, alone w/a pee stick and I called A. He declared the ERROR PROOF TEST broken. He's cute, but not a great at listening to marketing...We confirmed later that night that yes, (it was hard to tell my parents too but when I told work today I had no problem..), I'm pregnant! OHMIGOD! Now it's on the internet and anyone can find out! That makes it 100% real. Like once you've sent your wedding invites and you can't take it all back....Today is 12 weeks and 3 days. Yes we're DEF finding out what it is, no we're not telling names, but initials are J.H.S. and due date is Sept 14, 2008 which one day might be some's birthday!

There you have it. My BIG (and getting bigger) secret. I've been dying to add my 100s of bookmarks to the blog and start writing about my next chapter, but don't worry. Altho I'm not buying any real clothes this season, I'll still try to remember to post sales and other NYC events. Don't worry, you guys haven't missed much while I've been "away."

PS. there are TONS of expectant mom's events, even more than pre-wedding events. It's really insane and I'm trying to reign myself in. A few tidbits: I eat string cheese like it's my job, I haven't been to the gym in 3 mo, which works out well since I had JUST bought/rented a locker there, I needed new bras OVERNIGHT, I'm desperate to make brownies but scared because I know I can't lick the bowl (raw eggs), everything that happens reminds me of a TV show or movie: like when it was freezing out and my pants belly was rolling down I was afraid that the egg wld break like in Happy Feet and then at the 1st ultrasound when the whole thing looked like a smear or a smudge and I cldn't see anything I felt like Rachel in Friends when she and Ross were getting their ultrasound and she cldn't see her baby and got upset.

1 comment:

Mr. Emily said...

congrats!! babies rule. if you go the midwife route, let me know if you have any questions. we loved our midwives...

Daily Candy - YUMMY!!